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Keeping an Abyssinian & a Bengal together


Jake (Abyssinian) was the first 6 years ago. 4 years ago we got Jaspa (Bengal). Both were Kittens all was going well
until 3 weeks ago when all hell broke lose. Now they dont like the sight of each other all the time hissing & Fighting.
Please Help.


Usually, when there is a sudden change in behavior between two cats it is due to one of two major causes.  Either there has developed some medical problem with one of them and the poor cat is feeling rather puny or, more likely, there is some other new cat hanging around outside that they both can see from a window.  It is also possible this new cat has sprayed the outside of your house somewhere and they are smelling the male spray.

When normally good buddies get upset with each other like you have described there may be a fight/fright/flight thing going on.  When they get upset with seeing another cat, they often take it out on each other.  If this is, indeed, what is going on, sometimes a good thing to do is to put them in an interior room where they cannot see out until things settle down.

One other thing you might try is to have your vet prescribe something like prozac for a couple of weeks to see if that mellows them out.

Please let me know what you find out.

Best regards... Norm.