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Siamese Male Cat



I have bought an active redpoint siamese male cat, but i'm worried for when he starts to spray, is there any advice you can give me regarding this as he will be an indoor cat and I will be breeding him yet no female cats will be living with us. How can I prevent him on a day to day basis not to do this. Hope you can help me.


If you want to keep a male whole, you may have to put up with the spraying. He will have to be housed in very easily cleaned quarters as his spray will ruin just about everything else.  Every once in a while whole males do not spray, but usually they do whether they live with females or not. I know of no safe way to prevent an entire male from spraying, should they feel the need.  Some people try hormone therapy, but this has questionable safety and as often as not does not work.

Best regards... Norm.