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eye cold


Hi Karen well my cat just had about 3 weeks ago she 5 kittens. All of the kittens have something around their eye and it covers their eye. I don't know what is it. Every time I try to wipe the green stuff more just comes out and I cant afford to take them to the vet. What is it and what can I do to help them?

Hi Robyn,

This sounds like it could be either rhinotracheitis virus infection and chlamydiosis. Chlamydosis is best treated with a tetracycline ophthalmic ointment. You can get that online.
Rhinotracheitis is a herpes virus. It is a chronic condition. Oral administration of l-lysine,(250mg/day) sometimes helps. Also the tetracycline ointment helps with any secondary infection. The only way for sure to know what your kittens have is to have a vet check them out. You can also take a paper towel moistened with warm water and just wipe their eyes clean 4 or 5 times a day. Most of these conditions will clear up after about two weeks. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen