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my kitten who is almost 9 weeks old...


hi.. my kitten is 8 weeks old this Friday he will be 9 weeks.. he throw up 3 times since i got him.. but its not all the time.. its like once a day.. i don't know if its the food. or something else but he has been deworm.. and had his first vaccinations.. do you know the cause of this..


It is not abnormal for kittens to do some throwing up.  Sometimes they eat too fast, and it comes right back up.

You have not told me how long you have had him, so I do not know if he is throwing up every day or just a couple of times a week.  It is also possible that what you are feeding is too rich for his tummy and he needs a couple of weeks to get used to the food.

If this is an every day affair and persists or there is noticeable weight loss, I would take him to your veterinarian to be sure there is nothing seriously wrong.

Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards... Norm.