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changing outdoor to indoor cat


hi - I live with a handsome, strong & gifted athletic cat - half choc point Siamese and half 'barn'.  For the first 4 years of his life, we lived on an acreage in which he enjoyed free reign, and hunted outside to his heart's content, coming in & out of the house at will.  Now the townhouse we've moved to doesn't allow cats outside, so he has to adjust to a new life - indoors!  he does meow frequently and look out hte window, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm being cruel in expecting him to live a 'still life' inside.  I play with him as much as I can, but he is easily bored with cat toys, and I know he'd rather be outside.  It's into the 3rd month at this place, and he still meows and looks out the window - even tho we're quite bonded, would it be best for him if I gave him to someone with whom he could live, and be an outside/inside cat again?


I am assuming he is fixed.  If not, neutering would be the first order of business.

Even though he wants to go out, it is not safe out there.  However, you can provide more living space by adding ways for the cat to take advantage of all the room.  Cats live in all 3 dimensions, so they often like to get up on things and look down at everything else.  

I would provide a sturdy exercise post that is at least the length of his body and front legs if he stretches them out in front of himself.  It should be covered in a tight close looped carpet or sisal rope.  It should have shelves and/or cubby holes for him.  Ideally it should be placed near a window so he can look out.

The average life span of an outdoors cat is 3-5 years.  The average life span of an indoors cat is 12-15 years.  In all, he is better off indoors.  Even if he meows to get out, he is better off in.

How long it will take for him to stop meowing to get out is anyone's guess.

Best regards... Norm.