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7mo. old mixed tabby male w/attitude


hi just had a quick question about a 7mo. old mix tabby, Gizmo.He has a problem with my girlfriend and i holding him and cuddling him,maybe for a minute or two then he will start meowing and eventually hissing.He usually decides when it is snuggle time, usually at  nighttime. he is neutered and up to date on all shots, and we also have another 16 yr old female cat,they get along well.Myself being the male i play with him roughly.I am just wondering if he will grow out of this or he is just not a very cuddly cat?and if i should start playing with him a little easier?he was never neglected or abused (i got him from a friend and know his parents and his brother and sister,they are very laid back cats!)just hoping on any advice any would be great.  thanks a bunch mike a. from r.i.

sometimes cats start to feel insecure duringa cuddle, they may suddely feel trapped and thats when the aggression starts. It is vital that you cold the cat in such a way as they feel safe and secure.

As you say some cats just arn't cuddly cats. I have cats that love a good cuddle others who hate it.

Regarding the play. A good energetic game with your cat is fine but just make sure that you don't use your hands or feet as targets for your cat to attack. This can become a problem in the future if he meeets a stranger who goes to tickle hima nd he thinks what a good game and bited their hand etc. Always use toys.

As long as your cat regualaly receives attention and has a full active life he won't feel neglected if you tone the games down.

best wishes