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Urinating outside the litter box


QUESTION: Hi I have 5 yrs old full bread long haired seal point Persian cat. I am having problems getting him to urinate in the litter box on a consistent basis.

I have this problem with him multiple times but each time it was a medical issue.  He would do it may two or three times then I take him to the vet.  The vet would prescribe amoxicillian. It would work for a couple of yrs then it would reoccur.  His is neutered.

Now something seem different.  Three years I commuted to another city and from time to time I would take him with me. No problem. The next year we moved in with my brother who lives in the city I commuted to and everything was ok. Later that same year all three of us moved into anther apartment, that is when the problem started.

He went a couple of times in my bed then he just stopped doing it on his own. The following year we all moved again to a house and he started doing it again.  But now he is going in other places besides my bed.  I took him to the vet and they said they saw crystals in his urine and it had a high pH balance.  So the gave him the amoxicillian and changed his diet.  It helped for a couple of months and now he is back at it.

I don't think it is a medical issue anymore.  I think he is upset about something and his going because he is angry at me about something. I've also noticed that stray cats are hanging around the house.  I don't want to keep giving him medicine if that is not the cause.

Do you have any suggestions or techniques I can try to stop this behavior. I don't want to get rid of him but he is doing damage to more then just my items.

Please help!


ANSWER: I have to agree with your vet, Rhonda. It sounds to me like this cat, along with many pure Persians, suffers from chronic urinary and kidney infections. If his urine is crystallizing, he may be having kidney problems. Continue to take him to the vet, and please continue with the regimen of medicines prescribed to him.

Pure Persians are particularly affected by problems of the Urinary Tract, and it seems that your cat is no exception.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Madonna,

Thank you so much for responding. I did not know that about Persians cats; however, I'm still very concerned.  The medicine that he is on right now does not appear to be working.  He is still going out of the litter while on the medicine. It looks like he is not responding to it.

What can aggravate an infection? I use Fresh Step Clump litter, should I change it to something more natural? Is there anything that I can do to keep him from going on the the furniture?

My cat means the world to me and I love him so much but I can't have my house smelling like urine.

Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Alrighty, it seems like your cat may have just gotten used to going where ever he wants. Time to break the habit!

First of all, I recommend getting Hartz "Stay Off Training Aid" Spray. This stuff is great! It has a smell, only noticeable by cats, that drives them away from areas that you don't want them in. Spray down the areas that he has urinated on before. It is safe for furniture as well. The smell should help keep him away from those areas.

Next, I recommend getting at least two Feliway plug-ins. This product releases a pheromone that makes the cat feel relaxed and happy. That will help reduce the skittish feeling that makes him urinate when and where ever he wants.

You can find both products at Wal-Mart, PetCo, PetsMart, and many smaller pet shops.

Now, for the action plan! Plug in those Feliway plug-ins, and let them do their magic. Then spray down those areas of the house where he thinks he can urinate with the Hartz spray. Next, get a water pistol! Have several, filled with water, in those rooms of the house where he likes to go. When he goes to potty, give him a snoot full of water, then pick him up and drop him in the cat box.

If he still makes solid waste in the box, but not urine, I suggest getting a separate box for him to urinate in. Some cats absolutely refuse to urinate and defecate in the same area. In order to encourage him to use this new box, place it in an area away from anywhere you sprayed the "Stay Off" but somewhere he is frequently in, and keep it clean at all times.

If you keep up on him, I think this method should start to see some real improvement within a week.