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neutered male cat spraying house


we are a pride of 6 and recently added a new rescued male cat, now he is felling threatened and is spraying our house. if he does not stop i will have to give him up, i don't want to do this, he is not friendly to anyone but me and i fear no one else will take him in.  is there anything i can do to make him stop spraying?

Hi Trish,

Is he recently neutered?  He may still have some hormones running through him that he needs to get out of his system.  Also, while being taken in by you is probably the best thing that has or will ever happen to him he's not necessarily seeing it that way.  As you say, he's feeling threatened and I'm sure quite scared and this is how he's dealing with it.
I would confine him to his own area, a small bathroom or such that he can get over his fear and then slowly reintroduce him to the "pride."  Your cats are already used to having a lot of other cats around and take it in stride, I know mine do, but he may have seen other cats only as rivals and it will take patience to make him believe otherwise.  Is there one particularly friendly cat who might "buddy up" with him?  My Lucifur is scared of most people and other cats but loves Frankie and hangs around with him all the time.  
Make sure you clean the areas where he has sprayed thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner (you can find specific cat products at your local pet store) and then try adding something to his water like "Rescue Remedy" which has flower  essences that will help calm him down.  Also, there are plug in pheromone emitters that will help as well.  Good luck.