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Cat Defecation Problem


Hello, my kitten is about 8 months old and has twice now taken her poop outside of the litter box. We put her in a comfortable bedroom overnight (because she still quite playful in the wee hours) with access to her water, toys, scratchpad, bed and litter box. She has everything she needs, yet both instances of taking the poop out of the litter box have happened either overnight or in the morning before we let out into the common areas. She poops inside the box then we find a piece of poop on the floor with the litter on it so she is clearly starting in the box and taking it out. I don't understand why she is doing this. Is she playing or is she frustrated? She gets scolded or squirted with a water bottle when she is naughty but both times she has done this she was not disciplined before bed. She is getting TONS of love and attention and I just don't understand why she is doing this all of a sudden. Her litter box gets cleaned either every morning or every other morning if it is still pretty clean. It is becoming really frustrating. Please give me some suggestions as to why she is doing this and how we can help her best.


Is she a long haired cat?  I wonder if some poop is sticking to her rear end as she leaves the litter box after pooping?

Anyway, you may try coming out her area behind her legs abnd under her tail to see if that helps.

Is she spayed?  If not, being in season can also lead to this behavior.  She is certainly old enough to have reached puberty.

Here is a link to a whole bunch of articles on litter pan problems which may have further suggestions:

Best regards... Norm.