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my cat in labour


QUESTION: i have never had a cat have kittens before they have always been fixed this winter we took in a stray that showed up on our door step she is pregent i fell she is in labour today june 1 i came hmoe today and there was some blood on my floor she keps licking herself and it looks a little bloddy i called the vet they say it is normal how long will this last before she goes into full blown labour i don't if i should be worried she seems fine eating drinking i guess i might be just a little worried

ANSWER: Hi Jennifer,

If she is eating and drinking it will be a little while before she goes into full blown labor. She might start to yowl and or pace around the room when she starts. When she starts with her contractions she will lay on her side and intermittently will squat to deliver her kits. Keep your distance when she is doing this. You want her to be quiet when she is delivering.

The first kit should be delivered within an hour of the start of labor. Kittens should come in intervals of 10 minutes to an hour. Watch and make sure the mom cleans the sac off the little one and starts to lick it. This starts the kittens breathing. If she doesn't, you will have to do this. Use a soft towel to clear the kittens mouth and rub vigorously it to start it breathing. Make sure she chews the umbilical cord off. If she doesn't, tie the cord off near the belly with dental floss and snip the cord off about an inch long.
Most moms will take care of this though. Feed the mom kitten food. She will need it while nursing. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for getting back to me so soon she did have her kittens between 23:30-3am i heard the tiny meow they were doing great but this afternoon we weren't home when we got back she had had another kitten but it was dead is this normal

Hi Jennifer,

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I had a bit of an emergency here. Sometimes if it is a first pregnancy she can have a stillbirth. How is she now? Did she deliver anymore kittens? Make sure you feed her kitten food.She will need the extra nutrition for nursing. Good luck and let me know what happened.

Ciao, Karen