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Strange Behavior


Breed: Ragdoll
Age: 10years
Weight: 12lbs
Sex: Female
Spayed: Yes
Shots updated: October 16 - 2009
Dewormed: Advantage Multi on Sept 5 2009

She was in the vet on Oct 16 for a check up and all blood tests and urine sample came back healthy.

However in the past couple of days she has not been eating much and has been sleeping all the time. She has also been hiding and sleeping in the dog kennels and wont come out, and if she cant get into the kennels she is in corners sleeping. She has also not been able to jump on the bed or counters and seems to not be walking very good. Sometimes has been holding her paws off the ground and when walking puts them down very softly. This is very out of the ordinary for her, she always follows me around the house. Comes when I call her, and meows as if she is talking to us. But in the past few days has not been doing this at all.

I just noticed 20 minutes ago when i was holding her it feels like all of her muscles are vibrating, and she is laying on top of her paws when she lays down which she usually doesn't do.

Inside her ears are white (not sure if thats normal) her gums are still pink and she has had no vomitting or diahrea.

She is an indoor cat and we have not noticed that she would have gotton into anything poisonous. We did get 2 new budgies about a week ago so I don't know if that may have caused stress or anything?  Our other cat had liver failure about a month ago and we had to put her down and I really don't want to have to do that again. It's a horrible thing to deal with and for the cat especially. But my cat im worried about now did not get along with the cat we put down and they never hung out together so I dont think its depression from that.

If you have any idea on what this might be or if you think she needs a vet right away please let me know!

Thanks So Much!

Hi Kirby.  It's too bad she was at the vet so recently, and now she has symptoms, but I really do think she should be seen again.  It's difficult to say what could be ailing her, but I think in light of her recent healthy test results, an infection sounds like a likely culprit.  She could have been exposed to something at the vet's office that is just manifesting now.  Only a physical exam can let you know if she has any other indications of an infections, such as fever or swollen glands, or if this appears to be something else.

One of the infections that causes a lot of lethargy, lameness (not wanting to bear weight on the paws) and chills is calici.  This is a virus that about 80% of cats become infected with at some point, most often as kittens.  Those who do become infected generally carry the virus for life.  The virus lies inactive except during times of stress, or when the cat is exposed to additional virus (such as at the vet's office, etc.).  While the initial infection is the worst, subsequent flare ups can cause significant discomfort, too.  Although the virus isn't curable, most vets prescribe an antibiotic, since bacterial infections often sneak in along with calici.  A good pet multi-vitamin can help your kitty move on from the infection more quickly, especially one with Vitamin C in it.  Of course, there are plenty of infections that can cause these vague symptoms, and your vet will be the best one to determine whether an infection or another type of illness is causing your kitty's behavior.