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Cat Yowling


Our cat TC is a male cat and is about 18 years old.

He had some digestive problems which we managed to solve about 2 years ago. Since then, he has been yowling frequently which I understand is quite common for older cats. He is loosing his hearing although not totally deaf. We have taken TC to the vet recently and the vet said he is in good health. He does want to be fed frequently and we try to give him food when he wants but cannot always do that. We can't give him dry food because he has problems with that.

The yowling is driving us crazy, especially when he does it a 2 or 3 in the morning when we are trying to sleep. Is there anything we can do to stop or reduce his yowling, especially at night? Are there any kind of specialists who can help with such a problem? Thanks.

Tom Mull


No, I know of nothing that will stop the yowling. Cats are nothing if not persistent and he has used the yowling in the past to successfully manipulate the situation.  You may not like my suggestion, and many do not, but I would get a pair of those ear plugs used when you fly a transoceanic flight in first class. They are very confortable and do blot out the noise.

I am sorry I do not have any better suggestions.

Best regards... Norm.