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Keep Kitty Quiet?


For the last month or so my four year old cat, Skunk, has begun meowing incessantly, sometimes for an hour or more at a time.  Usually she does it by the door.  I can't get her to understand that she is NOT GOING OUT!  She is fixed so she's not in heat.  I try to play with her and love on her, but she's making me NUTS!  It's like having a baby that won't stop crying!  HELP!!!!!


The best thing to do is to ignore her.  The more attention you pay her, the more you encourage her to manipulate your behavior by meowing. There are a number of ways to blot out the noise, and you may have better luck approaching the problem that way than trying to persuade her to be quiet.

In particular, at night when you are trying to sleep, you can try a pair of those ear plugs used in first class on transoceanic flights.  They are very comfortable and do a great job of blotting out the noise. I know people do not like this suggestion, but I have not found any way of quieting a cat who talks and talks.

Best regards... Norm.