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moma cat that just gave birth


hi Karen , I have a question about a friend of mine's cat buttercup she started giving birth yesterday 1st kitten was born still born second one is alive and third still born she seems to think that there are more inside Mama cat she lives about 10 miles away from me and does not have access to transportation and is calling me asking questions, i have 6 cats never have had this happen wondering if you may have some advice? thanks in advance Kim Carlson

Hi Kim,

This is tough. I can only give you advice here. It could be another kitten in her or the placenta that she feels. If it has been over 24 hours since she gave birth and she is in distress she needs to go to the vet. If you can still feel something in there then she needs to be taken to the vet. If she has kittens in there and she doesn't birth them they will kill her. I can't help you anymore than this. Her vet will be able to tell right away. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen