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Should I seperate them?


I have a *similar* question to the woman asking about if she should separate her two older cats.
Two days ago i picked up two kittens that a friend promised me from her litter and they are both about 7 weeks old. One of the kittens I am holding for 4 days until a friend comes and picks it up from my home. Over the past few days the two kittens have really bonded and they do almost everything together; one eats and the other one is eating with it, one sleeps on the bed and the other follows.. etc etc.
I fear that my kitten will become depressed or develop SAS when separated from his sister or vice versa but because they are so young, will they be more susceptible to the change? I also have an older cat who is 9 years old but she hisses and spits whenever my kitten is near it so it won't find any companionship there when I'm at work in the mornings..(Is this also a potential problem?)
I feel bad letting one go, and I'm sure they will too.

Hi Brianna,

If you can, try to keep the two together. Separating them when they are young is very stressful for them. Again, having two together is the best for raising kittens.
Your older one will settle down with the young ones. She just needs time. Give her a couple of weeks and all should be well. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen