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Cat taking a long time to give birth


Hi, my cat gave birth to one kitten earlier today, about 11 hours ago, but hasn't had any more since. I've read on various websites that they can sometimes take 12-24 hours between births so I think it might just be this. She doesn't seem uncomfortable, she is happy to walk around to go to the toilet and eat and she enjoys lying down and being stroked without seeming unhappy, just acting normally.
Is this normal? Or is she having a problem giving birth?


Hi Toby.  Sometimes it will take 3 or 4 days for all the babies to be born.  As long as Mom is being comfortable and doing everything normally, then this is fine.  It's also normal for cats to have only one baby... if she still seems quite large after about 4 days, I'd take her to the vet to get checked out.

Good luck, and congratulations on the new one!