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sick kitty? reply


I don't know if it has been wormed because I didn't get it at a pet store. I got it from my friend's grandma. It is a barn cat. And I'm feeding it cat food, and last night I gave it some chicken, just a tiny bit. I'm really worried because it keeps meowing but I guess that's normal?


What you need to do with any new kitty is to schedule a veterinarian appointment and make sure it gets all of its shots.  In particular, the shots it needs are the standard 3-1 (panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calici).  This is a two part series where the booster should be given at least 3 weeks after the initial shot. If she does not go out of doors it may need rabies, depending on the laws where you live.  If it is to be out of doors, it will definitely need rabies and Feline Leukemia Virus vaccines.  All shots should be given at least 3 weeks apart so as not to compromise the cat's immune system.

When you take your kitty to your veterinarian, take a stool sample to see if the cat has any intestinal parasites.  Meanwhile your vet can also check your kitty for fleas and general health.

It is normal for the cat to meow for human attention.  It may or may not be meowing for food.  Does the cat look pretty healthy or way too thin?  Again, your vet can tell you if the cat is getting enough to eat.  Most barn cats or ex-barn cats will readily eat dry or canned cat food.  This would give it a more complete diet than chicken.

Best regards... Norm.