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cat color


I noticed that my female kitten furr color is changing! especially her back furr color! her color was goldish-orange and now is fading away and turning out to be like a tiger's color!!!! is that possible???
she is 2 and a half months old!!
I've been using lately Johnson's baby shampoo and conditioner rather than regular kitten shampoo, could that be the reason why??
Also, I've started to notice kind off shaded hair spots on her forehead right infront of her 2 ears!! is that normal??

thanks in advance

Hi Moe.  She is at the age, now, where her fuzzy kitten fur is starting to be replaced by shinier, grown up fur.  It is pretty common to see some subtle color changes along the way.  Typically between 3 and 4 months, you will start to have a better idea of what her permanent color will be.

As for the spots in front of her ears, are they on her skin?  This can be considered normal and is pretty common in orange cats.  They get freckles, which can range in color from ginger to completely black.  She may also get some on the rims of her eyes, ears, nose, lips, gums, and the bottom of her feet.

Johnson's baby shampoo is perfect for the occasional bath.  But cats have a detergent-like property to their saliva.  Enzymes break down grease and soil when they groom.  So most cats should not be bathed more than once a month, since bathing can strip the skin and coat of their natural oils and lead to dryness.