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6 month old stray cat


I just got him 2 days ago...all he does is sleep or lay around.  Will not bathe himself and does not seem interested in playing or anything.  He does eat well, though.  What do you think is wrong with him?


He sounds like he may have depression or be grieving. He may be lost and miss his owners. Did you put flyers out or advertise in case that someone moved in the neighborhood and he got out? Maybe his owners just moved and left him and he misses them.

Getting another cat his age and temperment may perk him up. He may miss littermates that he was with. Cats need a friend to play with, to snuggle with, and to be comfort and companionship when they are alone, or in this case, in a new home.

I would take him to the vet for a checkup. He may be ill also. That is NOT normal behavior for a young cat. It would be better to rule out a medical issue before dealing with his actions as a behavioral  issue.
