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male outdoor cat breathing quickly


Hi, my male outdoor cat has been very lazy for the last couple of days and just now he has not been moving at all and he is breathing really quickly, and every time he breathes it sounds like gurgling. Now he has also started to cry like he is in pain. Could he have a problem with his lungs?

Hi Jeff,

It could indicate something  is wrong with his lungs. It may be something as treatable as pneumonia, or as terminal as cancer. It might also indicate heart problems. It could even suggest poisoning or something else altogether, as the symptoms you're describing can be found in most any seriously ill cat if he is left untreated. But one thing is certain - your cat is in critical condition. Rapid breathing is a sure sign of this. I would urge you to get him to an emergency care center immediately. If he is untreatable, then at least you can kindly euthanize him. Sometimes a natural death can take days of agony.

I hope all turns out well!