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Should Treacles niece move in...?


I have an 18 month old cat, Treacle that is very happy and settled in our ground floor apartment.  The owner of Treacle's sister has offered us one of her kittens and I wondered if the fact that they are related and the fact that Treacle is still fairly young would have any bearing on a future relationship.  I introduced Treacle to an older cat that is sadly no longer with us when she first arrived and am well versed in the mechanics of a successful introduction, but wondered if the above facts would have any bearing on this particular scenario?

I appreciate any extra info that you can give me...



Introducing a new kitten to Treacle should go fairly smoothly.  Adult cats are much more tolerant to kittens than other adult cats.  Whether or not they are related has no nearing on any relationships between the two.

Even if there is some hissing and spitting and posturing, I would ignore it as this will eventually pass and they should be good friends.

Best regards... Norm.