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male or female?


I'm having a terrible time trying to figure out if my kittens are male or female.  I plan on keeping one, but I just don't know what the sex is.  We've given it the name Bulldozer.  My question is, is there a picture I can see of each sex to compare him/her with.  I've tried the (:) for male and the (upside down exclaimation!) for the female, and this doesn't seem to help at all.

Hi Janie,
The easiest way for me to tell is to hold the tail up, and look for a little slit.  If the slit is close to the rectum, it is a girl. If it is down low, it is a boy.  Go here for pics:
To me the pics are confusing... Just look for the slit, and as I said,if it is close to the rectum it is a girl,  down low.... a boy.  Hope this helps!

God Bless,