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does my cat have some kind of behavioral disorder



baby monster
All people who meet my cat agree that she is one of kind. Her personality is
that of a dog who has too much energy. Recently I have become concerned
that there may be something wrong with her. She isn't afraid of water, cries
constantly unless she is being held yet when she is picked up she only wants
to go back down onto the floor, she jumps onto every counter, table and desk
top in the apartment and knocks all the objects that she can down from the
table and watches them as they fall only to continue that task again with
other objects.  She has decently normal reactions, for instance when I throw a
ball she fetches it back, so I know she is has pretty sharp reflexes but I grew
up with 5 cats in my house hold and know many right now and have never
met a cat that acts like this. Because of her energy levels and the fact that one
of my roomates sleeps in a doorless room, my cat needs to be put in the
bathroom when its bedtime. She has her little box, water and her bed, all on
opposite corners of the bathroom from each other for her comfort. However,
she cries for atleast 20 minutes and throws her little body up against the door
when she gets put in any room alone. She really acts like she is on speed
almost always until she tires herself out for the occasional cat nap. (less
ocassional than most cats of course) please help with any info you may have.

Hi Darla,

She's a cutie!  You didn't say whether she is spayed or how old she is. Both have a bearing on her behavior. Young cats always have lots a energy. Get something called the Cricket. It is a laser pointer toy. Play with her with this for 20 minutes or so. She needs to get rid of her energy. Get her another cat. They will play with each other and keep themselves company. Don't lock her in the bathroom. This actually will do the opposite of what you want. It will make more hyper. Train her to go to bed with you. Play with her about an hour before bedtime. Get her tired then bring her in your room. She will sleep then. Get her spayed if she isn't. This will calm her down. And the biggest thing to remember about hyper cats, they grow out of it. Like us they slow down as they get older. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen