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Kitten hairball trouble


My 6 mth old indoor kitten has been trying to cough up a hair ball for about 3 days. She makes this awful sound like shes trying to cough it up but cannot. I thought if I gave her some grass it would aid in digestion but that didnt work. Any suggestions to help my little one expell this hairball. I feel like something may be stuck. Thanks  

Hi Kristy.  Sorry for the lateness, I've had bronchitis.  Hopefully your kitty has coughed this hideous hairball up, but if she still hasn't, then I'd suggest taking her to the vet in the morning.  I would suggest a little vaseline (you know, petrolium jelly that you use on a baby's tush?) since most hairball remedies are mostly made of that jelly, but if she still hasn't coughed this sucker up, I'd take her to the vet in the morning.  There could be a blockage, and you don't want to run the risk - just in case.

Good luck!