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Young cat scruffing older cat


I am looking after a young female oriental x and also own a domestic shorthair of my own (he is nine years old and the oriental x is about 6 months) but the young one is doing something very funny!

I have noticed that she is jumping on the back of my older cat and 'scruffing' him in much the same way as a male would when mating with a female! Why is she doing this? I men, she's a female, not a male! Is this just play? There isn't any hissing or yowling when it happens but the older male (whose name is Ciggie) does get her off of him as soon as possible and then backs away a bit.


The female cat is asserting her place in the hierarchy as the dominant cat. It is nothing to worry about or interfere with, it is normal cat behavior. The older male is conceding that the female is dominant. If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me again.