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In the last couple of days when my little kitten (1.5 months) curls up on my lap and I start petting her she looks up at me and mews. I'm worried that maybe she's letting me know that something hurts, since she wasn't doing it before. Do you think she could be sick or it's just a sign of affection?

Hi there.  I think it's likely to be that she's beginning to communicate with you vocally.  This is a learned behavior.  Kittens don't start off mewing to communicate with people.  They learn to do it once they realize that humans are communicating with THEM vocally.  And their social interaction skills with people develop most quickly from 5-8 weeks of age.  So this is a time where you will see her make many discoveries about communicating with you.

However, if she's 1.5 months, she's due for her first set of vaccinations, so you should get her to the vet.  He or she will do a full exam and should be able to let you know if your kitten seems to be in pain anywhere.