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Possible Pregnancy


We adopted a cat from the animal shelter about three weeks ago.  She has been to the vet for her wellness check and she is healthy.  She has not been outdoors since we adopted her.  Recently, we noticed pronounced nipples.  Could it be possible that she had a little previous to the adoption?  In which case, how long does it take for nipples to return to normalcy post pregnancy?  Or is it likely that she in pregnant?  In which case, is it too late to have to spade?  Lastly, she came to us with a "cat cold", and needed anti-biotic.  Would that affect her pregnancy?


Remember, I am not a vet.

If she had a previous litter, her nipples will protrude a bit from having had that litter.  Nipples could also get a bit pronounced by being in season or being 3 weeks after a breeding (in both these cases the nipples will be a fairly bright pink).  There are relatively safe antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection in case she is pregnant.

I would have her checked by your vet to see if she is pregnant and for the upper respiratory infection, so your vet can recommend a proper antibiotic. You and your vet can decide what to do about spaying depending on whether or not she is pregnant and how severe her upper respiratory infection is!

Please let me know what you find.

Best regards... Norm.