Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > kneading



QUESTION: I once read an article on the nature of cat "kneading".  It also discussed it as a mild form of masturbation (self-pleasuring) in addition to the kitten response to nursing.  I am unable to verify this.  Is it also a behaviorial condition?



ANSWER: Richard,

The behavior as an artifact of the kitten nursing response is correct.

The masturbation business is news to me and not at all plausible.  BTW, I have seen male cats masturbate, and that is not how they do it <grin>!!!!!

It is normal cat behavior for some cats regardless of gender or whether or not they are whole or altered.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How about this one?  Can a vet verify?  Thx, Rich

Ted Davis
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 07:07:31 GMT, J <> wrote:

>I recently adopted a 2 year old tabby mix from the local Animal Rescue
>League. He is a great little guy and is fitting in well with my four
>year old tabby male.
>I noticed the other night as he was getting ready to bed down that he
>was kneading an area around my calf, which to me wasn't unusual, but
>then the little fella started to strangely move his back legs... It
>only took a nano-second to realize what he was doing (humping) and I
>gently pushed him away.
>He has done this another one or two times and this brings about some
>He's neutered...I have never seen this behavior in a neutered cat in all
>my years of owning cats..has anyone here?
>How can I modify his behavior so that this stops, without alienating
>him? I don't want him to think I don't want him around...
>meaningful appropriate suggestions are welcome...

The occasional neutered tom will masturbate using some variation of
kneading. Since the cat does not subscribe to any belief system that
considers this sinful or harmful, and it give much pleasure to the
cat, I don't see any reason to stop it unless he is biting or clawing
someone. Blocking this behavior might even have negative effects on
the cat's behavior - after all that would be preventing the cat from
experiencing intense pleasure from being affectionate toward you.

Many years ago, I had such a cat - he did it in my lap. I just
started keeping a towel handy to put under him when he started to
catch the ejaculate.

T.E.D. (  


Thank you for the input.  The kneading is incidental to the whole process.  I have seen masturbation behavior in whole males, but not neutered males in my experience.  I have seen neutered males who were sexually active (called teaser toms), so I suppose it is not out of the realm of possibility.

I find it neat that I learned something new today!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.