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spaying my female cat.


if i were to spay my female cat, how would my male cat feels? besides, after the spaying, would they still be able to mate? or mating is totally out of the question after the procedure? i'm worried my male cat will behave badly after i spay my female cat. please advice. thanks!  

Your male's behavior will probably improve once she's spayed, actually.  Unneutered males around unspayed females are likely to be obnoxious, they will usually spray, and sometimes they're even aggressive.

Once she is spayed, they would still be able to mate if the desire is there.  Generally, though, as the instinct to reproduce dies down, they lose interest in mating.

Ideally, you should have the male neutered, as well.  Then neither will suffer the urge to mate any longer, and you will have fewer behavioral problems, and likely, fewer health problems.  In my ten years volunteering, I've fostered over 200 cats.  There hasn't been one case where neutering or spaying has had a negative effect.  In fact, it's just the opposite.  They become friendlier and less likely to fight or urinate or spray inappropriately, and the health benefits, especially for females, are tremendous.