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My female cat


My cat delivered 4 kittens June 15th of this year. One of the babies did not survive. My question is this. The momma cat is constantly eating! I normally keep her bowl filled with dry food and feed her wet food in the am and once again in the pm. She mows all day long wanting more wet food. Some of the kittens are now eating kitty food and drinking water but one is still a little hesitant so they are still nursing. I figured we would have to feed her more because she is nursing and I though maybe the delivery just took a lot out of her since momma cat is just a year old herself. Is her eating habit normal???

Hi Anna,

Her eating habits are fine. She does need more food while nursing. Usually it is suggested that you feed Mom cat kitten food. (same brand as what she usually eats) This will supply the extra nutrition she needs. Hope this helped. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen