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Kittens are eating the carpet!


Hi Ali,
I am writing for more suggestions on how to manage kitten chewing behavior.  I have 3 almost-5 month old kittens from the same litter.  They are wonderful, clean, friendly, and adorable.   We just moved into a new house and renovated it, putting down berber carpet on the stairs and second floor hallway.  On 2 occasions I have found a significant lengths of carpeting in the stool, close to 5 inches long.  I called the vet and they just told me to keep a close eye on their behavior, and if they are vomiting or any other unusual symptoms.  Each night I get home from work and examine the cats and the entire house, because they have chewed paper receipts, and other odds and ends.  I have tried 2 different no-chew sprays, but they don't seem to do much. I noticed there are also chewed worn spots on their 3 level cat tower that is carpeted.  Can you suggest a deterrent to the chewing?  I am so afraid of them getting really sick or hurt from this.  My last beloved cat was a plastic chewer/eater, so we learned to keep it all secured away where he couldn't get at it. But the carpet is new and we can't keep them from it, its in the middle of the house.  The kittens also ate an elastic string from a cat toy, and chew the plastic shopping bag as I am cleaning out their litter boxes and using the bag.  I wouldn't care so much if they were just clawing at the carpet, but ingesting it really worries me.  I think I know which one it is, but I can't be certain because all 3 share litter boxes.  I have ordered a bitter apple spray, but any other behavioral advice would be most welcome.  
Thank you,


Have you considered laying down plastic runners til the kittens are a little older? It might be the solution you're looking for because the chewing sprays don't always tend to work that well and hot peppers aren't an option on carpet (but you can rub cut habenero peppers on electric cords if they are an issue with your kittens). For now I would avoid toys with elastics or strings and keep all strings, shoelaces, ribbons, thread, etc out of reach because these materials can be quite a serious problem if ingested since they can cut through intestines as the bowels contract in order to move them through the digestive system. As for the plastic bags when you're cleaning the litter box it might be a good idea to have someone else in the house distract the kittens with interactive playtime while you clean their litter boxes...

Boredom can lead to destructive behaviour in cats so it's not a bad idea to consider putting bird feeders out near windows where the kittens can watch birds and squirrels eat and play. I would also suggest as much interactive playtime as you can manage between all the members of your household using toys like feather wands, little balls, etc (in other words materials that aren't easily eaten during play). Building an outdoor cat run may also be an option - this will allow your babies to experience the entertainment, smells, sights, etc that goes with going outside without the risks associated with being outdoor kitties... Some companies have pre-fab kits that are specifically designed for this purpose (check online) and some of these enclosures can be quite elaborate and large... I suggest setting the kitty run up in an area that's near a door so that you can create a tunnel from a kitty door so that the kittens can come and go as they please all while you know they're safe! If you have any further cat related questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
