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my kitten is pregnant!


Hi.  My 6 mo. old kitten is pregnant.  I don't have a regular vet as I really can't afford one.  She was abandoned and I hand fed her from 4 1/2 weeks until she was able to feed on her own.  I did take her at 6wks. for a general check up and her shots and i was going to take her in to get fixed right at the same time that I noticed her nipples were enlarged.  Now she is at least a month or possibly close to two months pregnant.  She is getting very big and I am just worried it might kill her.  Like I said, I really don't have that much extra money so unless it's absolutely necessary I can't affford the vet visit.  In fact I was going to have her spayed at this place called the nueter scooter which is a low cost alternative than a traditional vet hospital.  It is a vet who is offering his services to low income pet owners.  It's very good thing.  So, I was late for that because she got pregnant first without ever showing any signs of heat/menstruation or anything.  I figured ok what the next best thing.  I plan to let her have the kittens and when the kittens are oldd enough I was going to take them to the S.P.C.A. and you sign a paper agreeing to let them adopt them out and in return they will spay your female cat for free.  Another great program.  So, I guess my question is... is she too young to have these kittens?  Will she/the kittens survive?    
If you think its okay then fine.  I will monitor her labour and the kittens.  If you think its a big risk i will take her to the vet immediately somehow.  please respond.  thank you

Hi Erika,

Are you sure she was in heat and caught by a male? I'm asking this because there is a condition called pyrometia that mimics cats being pregnant. It is an infection of the uterus. I was wondering about that because you said she didn't display any signs of heat. I had a young cat that displayed the same and I knew she wasn't pregnant because all my males are fixed and she didn't get out. You might want to take her to the spay clinic and she if she is pregnant.

Now as to your original question, no she isn't too young to have kittens. You just have to watch her because younger cats may have problems with delivering. This is a very good link for information about cats and pregnancy.

I hope all is well. Good luck and let me know how she is.

Ciao, Karen