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Kangaroo Cat


My Mom's friend's brother has a cat that looks like a kangaroo! I've taken up the challenge of finding out what breed it could be. She says it has a long, narrow face and short orange-red fur. She says when it begs you almost think your about to see it jump away! My Mom's friend says it looks almost exactly like a wallaby. Do have any idea about what breed(s) it could be. If so that would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!


I really need a photo!  Could you send one to my e-mail address:

I am assuming it has too longish hind legs and a very erect ear set with large ears.  Does it have a normal or bobbed tail?  It could be a Japanese Bobtail cat which has a normal tail which has a normal tail.  Again, a picture would be most helpful.

Best regards... Norm.