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Black speckles


Today while grooming my cat I reconized that under his chin are these black specks that are right beneath the mouth. I also notice that some of these specks seem to be tangled in the little bit of fur that he has under his mouth. I've also noticed that the hair is thining in that area and thats the only place I see him scratching and I dont think he has fleas because I use Revolution and bath him in Hartz Flea and Tick Shampoo and I use Hartz Flea and Tick Powder. Whenever I try to comb them out from under his mouth he moves as if it is hurting him and some of the black speckles are actually stuck to his hair and I'm afraid to continue picking them out because I fear he might scratch or bite ? Is this dried up food or something ? What is wrong with him ?  

Its is fleas!! plain and smiple my 3 week old kitten has the same thing and it is fleas. Do you put the revolution on him after a bath?? if so then its not going to kill the fleas the meds have to be put on 3 days after a bath so its skin can absorb it. Revolution goes into the blood stream and when the flea bites the ingest it and die.

it is fleas for suree