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Moved 3 weeks ago this weekend


We want to let our cat go outside again after being inside the house for 2 weeks. I read on the internet that we must hold him in arms and just walk around with him outside the first time, then the 2nd time we must also be with him when he explores. Is it necessary to put butter on his paws or his that just a old wifes tale. Please help us in this matter. We also have 3 rabbits on our property which was there before we moved in.


I must admit that this is the first time I am hearing of this protocol, but it sounds reasonable.  As to the butter, I am with you, it is an old wives tale.

Please let me know if this protocol works, so I can let others know.  

Cats are very territorial, and there are lots of factors that could make the cat accept the new territory or not.  I am assuming he is neutered, thus he would tend not to want to wander as far.  The further away from his old territory he is, the less likely he is to wander.  If he likes the new home and is very attached to you folks, the odds are also better that we will not wander.  Cats tend to stay very close to their home territories.

I hope this works out for you.

Best regards... Norm.