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Cat behavior after kittens


I am having a hard time lately since my Male cat (zack) got my female cat (maci) pregnant. the kittens have turned 5 weeks today (3/11/2011) and are starting to do things on their own. However, Maci is still attacking Zack as well as our two dogs just for being in her line of sight. They dont even go near her or her kittens and she attacks them violently to the point we have to keep her away from the other animals. Neither Zack nor Maci are fixed atm HOWEVER we have made an appointment to get zack fixed in hopes this will end. We dont know what to do. We cant keep playing phone tag between all the animals. Is there anyway she will go back to how she used to be? or will she always need to be isolated from the other animals? any advice or tips in this situation will help tremendously as we dont want to have to get rid of Maci. Thank you

Hi Rebecca,

She sounds like she has some hyper maternal instincts. The kits may be just starting to get around but they are still dependent on her. Until they are completely weaned from her she will most likely display behavior like that. And you also try something called Feliway Comfort Zone. This mimics a cat's happy pheromones and keeps them from stressing out. Give Maci a little time. All will go back to normal soon. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen