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change in behavior toward others

20 16:44:26

We have had a female named Jewel for about 5 years.  She is a wonderful kitty.  4 months ago we adopted a litter of stray newborns -- 2 females and 2 males -- and we just love them.  After some initial adjustments, we were pleased when Jewel came to like and play with the kittens.

3 days ago I took the males to the vets to be neutered.  When they came home, Jewel began to hiss at them.  And at the females, who hadn't even left the house.  And now even at me!!

She growls when they approach her.  

Jewel is the only one of the 5 we let outdoors.  We keep her on a very long leash while she's out.  But she loves to go out and asks to go out right after breakfast.  She used to wait patiently for me to put her on her leash.  Now, even though she wants to go out, she growls and nips at me when I try to put her leash on.

I recommend putting baby powder on all the cats for a couple of weeks just so they smell the same and gain that friendship again with smell. Cats go by smell a lot. But make sure the baby powder is safe for the cat that you use, so call the vet and ask them. NOTE: Call the vet to check out this idea before using it. On other notes this change in behavior is another topic. It's a behavior problem due to freedom and well power. My cat teased my other cat because she was allowed out and he wasn't. I recommend talking to the vet about this. I also recommend asking another expert for help with that. Good luck and sorry