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Newborn kitten sneezing


I rescued a pregnant stray who gave birth about 2 weeks ago. The litter seem to be nursing well, there eyes are open and clear, and they seem to be strong (attempting to stand and walk before 2 weeks) but i've noticed sneezing lately. There is no mucus or discharge, they are gaining and nursing well and the mother cat is very healthy and attentive.

They've been kept indoors in a room separate from our other animals. Should I be worried? Or should I look for other symptoms before rushing them to the vet?


Hi Kristy,

If the kittens are sneezing then they could have an upper respiratory infection. You should take them to the vet to get checked out. Kittens are small enough that little things can turn into big problems. Take them to the vet to be safe. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen