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cat unusual clear urine?


Okay, well my cat was starting some unusual behavior the last couple months, because she would pee everywhere. On the couch, by the door, slide door, water dispenser, on my bed etc..My mom was furious because she repeatedly would go pee on the coach which left a foul odor through the house. Shes never done this before and i dont know why she is going everywhere. I clean the litterbox and everything but she doesnt seem to go in it. Its like shes lazy and when she needs to go pee she just goes anywhere. Well onto my real problem. My mom let her out since she was furious about her urinating everywhere and shes been gone for 3 days. She just came back last night and now shes not eating a lot, and sleeps a lot. Im not sure wants wrong with her but when she was sleeping, she woke up and was rapidly licking herself around the vagina. I thought she was just taking a bath, but when she left my pillow, i found a large wet spot there. I smelt it, and it had no odor. She then went to the bottom of my bed and went back to bed and then did the same thing. Woke up, and licked herself. I had white sheets so this time i saw the large spot and it was clear, as if i spilt water except it had a tint of brown in it, so like dirty water. I dont know whats wrong with her? because i thought she was peeing everywhere again but it doesnt smell like urine? i dont know if its discharge. is she pregnant from being outside for 3 days? does she have a urinary infection because she has previously been urinating before let out? please help thanks.

Hi Mark,

It's not usual for a cat who is litter tray to pee anywhere and everywhere unless they are not able to control it.

I would suggest that you bring her to a vet for a check-up. Since you mentioned that she might get pregnant, I would presume that she's also not sterilised? You might want to consider sterilising her as well.
