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Odd Behavior

20 16:45:28

Hi Barb-

My cat is 1 1/2 years old and has been acting strange.  He spends quite a bit of time in the litter box, although I don't see anything unusual in the box.  Also, I catch him in various places around the house, squatting as if he's trying to poop, yet I never actually see any poop.  I just pick him up and lay him down.  This is not like him at all, he always used the box.  He also isn't quite as playful as he usually is.  He seems to be eating okay though.  I feed him regular dry food and 1 can of cat food on Sundays.  A few Pounce treats here and there and basically that's it.  I have another cat that eats the same and is fine.
I really can't afford a vet so I'm hoping that he basically needs some gentle OTC laxative perhaps?  I don't know.  I appreciate any help you can offer me. Thanks for your time.

Hi Susie,

I would suggest you go to the pet store and buy some Laxatone.  It will help with his bowel problems as well as help his hairball situation, which could very well be the cause of his constipation.  Just rub two half-dime sized dollups on his front paws.... half-dime apiece... so he cannot shake his paws and shake off the Laxatone.... he will then lick it off and should be fine.  Do this once a week for life.  Twice a week until you notice him going regularly in his litterbox.  Please write again if you have further questions....  Hugs, Barb