Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Blood Breath

Blood Breath

20 16:45:28

Dear Tina:  I have a 7 year old female cat.  I have recently noticed
specks of blood in her breath.  She likes to get up on the bathroom vanity
and lick the water in the sink.  I have been noticing specks of blood in
the sink and on the vanity after she has done that.  They are very small,
pin head size specks.  I have determined that they are in her breath.  She
has gained weight over the last year and I just realized that her collar
may have gotten too snug, so I adjusted it.  I was hoping that the problem
stemmed from the too tight collar on her throat, but I fear that it is
something much worse.  Before I call my vet, do you have any idea as to
what it may be?  Thank you very much for any advice and input that you
have to offer.


Blood coming out of your cat's mouth is very serious. It could be a dental problem - a broken tooth or cut that could lead to an infected abcess, or from the lungs or throat. She could have swallowed something sharp or have any number of problems. Take her immediately to the vet!!

I hope it turns out OK...