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Delivery in progress...


Hi again. Blackie started into labor yesterday around 4pm with a gush of amniotic fluid very similar in color to what Sparkles had had.  This time I listened to my intuition when the cat was not giving productive contractions, but she was acting all content and too calm.  I called two vets (first one was too busy to help).  The second one I spoke with told me that if she didn't deliver soon (within an hour or so) one of the kittens could be compromised.  She directed me to an emergency vet.  Not wanting to lose another litter, I went.     They injected her with Oxytocin/Pitocin, and we waited.  Just like the last litter, the first kitten was breech, and the tail became visible.  Nothing happened for at least 30 minutes or more (poor contractions), so they injected her with a second dose.  Within minutes there were good contractions and the kitten was born alive.  Then we waited for over 2 hours with no progress.  The vet said since Blackie had had a kitten expelled they could inject one more time doubling the dose.  They did and another baby was born alive.  I took her home.  Overnight, no more babies were born.  This morning there is lots of fetal movement on both sides.  A little light red drainage from her vaginal canal.  
   Here's the question:  The vet told me if there was no progress soon, we should probably bring her in to have the C-section, and be spayed at the same time.  I agree about spaying, but am hesitant about going forward with the C-section due to great fetal movement.  Do you think I can wait a few more hours?  However, I have yet to see this cat have intense contractions all by herself.  The vets I've spoke with seem to feel that major inbreeding which this cat came from can cause inertia in labor.  I wish I had known.  Too bad it takes an incident like this to bring awareness to such a devastating thing.

Hi Lori, well I hate c-sections.I find that the kittens often die and then the mom is too sore to nurse... so I really try to avoid them and only use them as a last resort. Now, in your case you are lucky because she has already been caring for and nursing kittens so often these moms will get right back to caring for their kittens once they wake up from the surgery. It is possible that the delay in delivery might affect this remaining kitten.. or kittens.. but a c-section will also..
It is not an easy decision but personally I wait quite a while UNLESS the mom is in distress, which is not your situation right now.
I wish I could give you a better answer... I am just giving you my opinion from my personal experiences.... Teresa