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My unhappy calico cat


I have 2 older cats, a red tabby, about 15 and his sister, a long hair domestic. The tabby is overweight so I went to the shelter and looked for a cat who might play with my tabby and give him some exercise. I picked  a very social calm calico who walked from room to room visiting all the other cats at the shelter. Since bringing her home, she seems unhappy to not have her cat friends around. Now the other two are sleeping most of the day, and Callie just follows me around the house all day and sits and looks at me. She seems so depressed and unhappy. I wonder if she misses all the other cats and wants to be back at the shelter. I recently let her go outside and she loves it but its too hot here to do that alot. I don't know what to do. I have had her for 2+ years and it isn't any better. When my daughters cat visits, she perks up some, but still seems like she needs more. What should I do?Would she like a small dog or should I find her a new home? It would be really hard to do that cause I love her alot. She comes to me when i call her. Hope you can help.


A 15 year old cat is approximately 76 years old in human years and would not be interested in playing with a young cat. The cat needs to be fed a diet for geriatric cats. Their nutritional needs change and their metabolism slows down when they get old.

Your calico needs a kitty friend to play with and keep her company. You should find another calico cat about her age and temperment. Calicos are notorious for attacking dogs and being territorial. Of course not all calicos are like that but alot are. You may want to try a dog on a trial basis first to see her reaction. But don't get a hyper dog! A lab is always a good choice because they are calm. But a dog cannot play with a cat the way another cat can.

Calicos love to go outside because they are superb hunters and they enjoy it. Is there shade and water available outside? Cats, unlike dogs, can regulate their body temperature. Give her the option.

The shelter is NOT a place to take a cat you care for, and the kittys she knew then would not be there now. Would your daughter be willing to give you her cat for a friend for your cat since your cat already knows hers? Or Vise-Versa?

I hope you can work it out so everyone is happy...especially the calico!
