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new kitten!


Hi, We're just about to buy a new kitten, he was the little one in the litter and so the only one left.  Ideally we wanted to get two together so they wouldnt be lonely.  There is another litter due in 2 weeks (ready to go in 14 weeks).  Do you think it would be easier to get the little boy and wait for another from the new litter or will it be easier to get them both from the same litter? We just want to make sure they can be the best friends they can!


It might be better to wait and get two from the other litter. The only caution I have for you is that babies from the same litter get into a lot of mischief together. It is always easier to have siblings together, there is no worry about introductions and whether they will get along. I hope that this answers your question. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again. I will do my best to give you accurate and prompt answers.