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deworming pills didnt work for my kitten


My kitten is 2 months old. Lately he's been throwing up once a day. A few days ago i noticed there was a noodle in his vomit, but then it started moving. It was a roundworm. I went out to buy deworming pills and they didn't work. Should i give him a higher dosage? Would a deworming injection work better that the pills?

Hi Tanya,
Do not give her a higher dosage! This can kill your kitten. You need to make sure that she doesn't have any other type of worm. Take a sample of her stool to be tested at the vet. Besides roundworm she can have hookworm or tapeworms. You need to make sure of which she has.
Also some of the over the counter dewormers are not as effective as a pharmaceutical quality dewormer. It is very important that first you find out exactly what type of worms she has.
Your vet will give you a good dewormer made specifically for what your kitten has. It will be geared towards her age and weight. Most wormers are given in two treatments. One to kill the worms and another dose 2-3 weeks later to kill any larvae from eggs that hatched. Good luck on your new kitten.