Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > male/female



hello i am very new to cats as a matter of fact these are my first two that i have recieved they told me that they where male and female  i was wondering how you tell them apart (male/female)  one has whiskers and one does not is that normal? they are 9 to 10 wks old can you help me?


Oh my, these are very, very young kittens to be going to a new home!!!!!

OK, the male kitten should look like an upside down exclamation point (!) under the tail.  The female should look like a colon (:) under the tail.

The whiskerless cat should be getting those whiskers in any time now,  I suspect its mama chewed them off and they have yet to grow back all the way.

Best regards... Norm.