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tangled fur masses

20 16:40:59

Of the many cats I have given home to, I have never seen the large mases of firm tangled masses that my male cat, Higgens has twice a year. Can you tell me what the cause of this might be and if there is any way to prevent it?

Hello William,
Thank you for your inquiry.  The matting you describe sounds like excessive seasonal shedding.  The coat begins regrowth and attempts to push out the old, shedding coat.  When the old coat is not removed, to make room for the new growth, via brushing or self-grooming on Higgens' part, the coat begins to tangle together, creating the matting that you are seeing.  They are usually very firm, almost hard lumps of coat, and usually more along the spine.  Washing a cat (or dog) in this condition only serves to intensify the tangles and matts, making them very difficult if not impossible,to remove without a trip to the groomer.  Sometimes diet can play a part as well.  I am not as well versed in what may be the best diet for Higgens personally.  I might suggest checking with and visiting the pet food section.  You may be able to find information about specific diets to meet his needs.  Meanwhile, these masses will begin to detatch from his skin and will leave bald spots.  It is best to have a professional shave these off for Higgens.  Then you can help him maintain his coat by brushing and combing him often.  Cats LOVE being brushed with a rubber curry brush with a hand strap.  These will, when brushed with the grain of the coat, remove ALOT of that excess,loose hair, thereby preventing the matting problem.
Hope this has been helpful for you.