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Moving with a Cat

20 16:41:46

We are going to be moving from a two bedroom apartment to a four bedroom, 3 floor townhouse within the same city.  We get possession of our new place in 5 days but we will only be actually living in this new place in about two weeks time.  
We have a two year old cat, who loves being around people.  He has only lived in the place we currently reside.  He is strictly an indoor cat and will still be in this new area.  I have been advised to get him a ID tag for his collar, just in case he gets away from us at some point.  But that is the only real advice I have gotten about moving him.  I was wondering how we make this move as easy and stress free as possible on him and us.  What would be the best way to get him settled and adjusted to this new home?  
Thanks in advance.

Hello Skye,
ID tags are good...micro chips are better.  The vet can do this for you, and is well worth the time and effort.  A micro chip is inserted between the shoulder blades just under the skin.  It's about the size of a grain of rice.  Within that chip is all owner contact information, vet's name and contact numbers, the pets shot records and any other important data concerning the pet, i.e. medications, diseases, etc.  He will still have to wear an ID tag of sorts, but it will have his identification number and the contact number of the registry (like 'home again').  All humane societies and most vet clinics have the scanners that read the chips.  So that may be a consideration for making sure he gets found if he wanders out.
As far as aclimating him to his new surroundings.  It may be good to bring him to the new place when you move in, keeping him in the bathroom for a day or two with litterbox and food and water of course. Surround him with familiar toys or blankets.  Then let him venture out into the apartment to explore his new digs!  He will go room to room, nose to the ground and then up in the air.  It won't take long for him to adjust, especially as he is an indoor kitty.  His home is wherever you are.  So be assured, that he will adjust nicely to his new surroundings, and so will you.
Thank you for your inquiry.  Hope this will be helpful.
And enjoy your new home!