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Has my cat had kittens?



Two days ago, my cat was unwell, she would not go outside and would squeak when she was picked up or her tummy was touched. The day after, she appeared fine and during today she also appeared fine.
However, this evening she came inside and was walking slowly and did not seem normal. This made me a bit worried so i followed her and saw that she was struggling to go upstairs, she could use her legs but was slipping and struggling. I picked her up and she did not mind but when i put her down noticed there was blood on my arm. She then used the litter tray and i checked because of the blood and noticed that she had not urinated but instead it was blood. Now, she is being really quiet and walking slowly and is showing discomfort when trying to sleep. Her stomach is a lot saggier than it was earlier and almost touched the floor, it goes right up to her chin being saggy.

Has she had kittens outside or what else could be wrong with her?

thank you x

i really don't like the sound of that, she may have an urinary infection or something wrong in her tummy. I'm sure you would have noticed if she was pregnant before now as their tummies get very big near the end and her nipples become very pick and extended. Also they can become very much more affectionate near the end. If you did not notice any of these i would suggest that it would be wise to get her to a vet as soon as possible to have her checked out. It is always better be safe than sorry.

lets hope it is something that the vet can clear up easily and quickly for your cat. he will also be able to tell for certain if she has been pregnant and if their are any complications.

best wishes