Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > This is the 2nd e-mail with a 2nd picture.

This is the 2nd e-mail with a 2nd picture.



Looks like
E-mailing again -- this time including the 2nd picture.  The description of the problem is contained in full with the 1st e-mail just sent.


Thank you, but I did receive the first picture.  What your cat is doing is over growing because it itches.  This is probably causing the rash, from what I can tell.  The long name beginning with the "e" is an untreatable malady, so you may as well treat the symptoms as something that can be cured.  If all else fails, then maybe you can look at this problem.

Remember, I am not a vet, and I have not actually handled your cat.  

Best regards... Norm.